
JavaScript – Objects

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What are objects? How do you create them in JavaScript? How do you use them in JavaScript? This post will hopefully answer these questions. Objects in JavaScript are, in the most simplest of terms, a collection of key value pairs. The key can be any string, or it must begin with an uppercase letter, lowercase […]


JavaScript – Hash Maps

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What are hash maps? How do you use them in JavaScript? This post will hopefully answer these questions. It might be worth taking a minute to read the wikipedia article on hash maps here. But to summarize, a hash map is basically a way to map unique keys to values. It helps search and retrieve […]


JavaScript – Constructor Functions

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What are Constructor functions in JavaScript? Why are they useful? This post will hopefully answer these questions. In JavaScript, constructors are a way to create a class which can be instantiated into usable objects. Similar to JavaScript prototypes. Let’s create a constructor Animal which can be instantiated into various different animals such as dogs, cats, […]


JavaScript – Memoize

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What is memoization and why is it important? How do you do it in JavaScript? This post will hopefully answer these questions. Memoization is a topic which has come up in most technical interviews I have been a part of. I have been asked some variant of this question in four different interviews from four […]


JavaScript – Fat Arrow Functions

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What is a fat arrow function? What’s up with that crazy syntax? Why use it instead of a good ‘ol fashion function () {} function? What advantages does a fat arrow function give a developer? What is happening in the world!?!? This will be a topic to hopefully explain and clarify one of the most […]